What My Guides Said About Surrender, Power, and Control

A message I felt called to share with you.

What My Guides Said About Surrender, Power, and Control

“At some point, there’s no more struggle, just the deep peace that comes from surrendering to a perfection that is beyond your comprehension. Eventually, even the mind stops resisting, and the heart loses the tendency to close. The joy, excitement, and freedom are simply too beautiful to give up. Once you are ready to let go of yourself, life becomes your friend, your teacher, your secret lover. When life’s way becomes your way, all the noise stops, and there is a great peace.”
- Michael Singer, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Author of The Surrender Experiment (Highly recommend)

Thanks for reading this email Reader.
You Walking Wonder of Life.

In this email:

  1. The paradox of surrender
  2. What my guides told me about it
  3. A comforting solution to the paradox
  4. An invitation for you to get your own guidance

The Paradox of Surrender

That quote above is Michael Singer talking about Surrender. I think a lot about Surrender.

How does letting go and trusting Life, but also consciously creating our lives, go together?

How does releasing and relaxing into the peace of the moment go together with creating our goals and consistent, aligned action?

Seems like a paradox.

A Guided Message

Here is what my guides said about Surrender one day when I felt like I was failing and buried by my circumstances:

The reflections of reality do not control you. Your circumstances do not control you. They do not control your response to it, nor your capacity for joy, nor your capacity to hold your love or higher perspective through it. It does not control you.
You may be trying to control them, which is maybe why you feel controlled by them. Because if they do not go the way you want, now you are upset. Now they have perceived power over you to either make your break your day or your life. But that is not true, that is just the mind’s reaction based on triggers because the mind is trying to control.
If you let go of control, nothing can control you.
Instead of trying to make details of your life happen, you instead focus on how you can show up in each moment. How you can respond to each moment. How you can bring the light in, the joy in, the love in, your rest in, resting in awareness and presence in each moment. Nothing can control that. Your circumstances cannot control that.
The path of presence and surrender is a path of unfolding. A path of power based on who you really are and what you really know. Not power to create specific 3D things. That is not power. That is just a manipulation of physical reality. Any mouse can do this when they dig a burrow. Any person can do this with enough action and belief.
The path of surrender is much bigger than any detail you could create. And yet, and yet, watch what happens in your reality when you really start holding this all the time. Watch what happens!
Let go of the control. There is no need. You are so much more powerful than your mind’s attempt to control. That is not where power comes from. That is not what power is.
You have the power to create; it is built into you as a divine creator. It is your essence. No control is required. It is all perfectly synchronized based on the highest vibration and desire of your heart. You only need to let go and let it happen.
Participate in each moment from love. Stay in your center, be still, and know that nothing can stop you from what you are here for. And let it play out. Absorbing and loving any trigger that comes. Embracing and enjoying every moment you have. You have given yourself such a gift to come to Earth. What a journey. It will be over in a flash.
The only question that is relevant is, did I love as much as I could?

A Comforting Solution

In the moment, did I love as much as I could?

Let go of the details that the mind thinks it needs to create. Focus on how you show up as love in each moment. Then the details and what you create take care of themselves.

Your Divinity is guiding you. Nothing outside you can stop you from experiencing what you came to Earth to experience. That’s how powerful you are.

I find great comfort in that. I hope you do too.

How does this sit with you?

My Invitation To You

You can get messages just like this, for you. From your Higher Self (and Guides).

I want to see that for you. It’s the fastest way to let go, shift inside to our source of power, and change our circumstances.

This is how we invite the love to flood in and light us up. This is how we create a more loving world together.

It's time. The time is now to shift our collective reality.

I care about this so much, that’s why I’m putting everything I know about accessing and living as your Higher Self into the 8888 Unlimited Program - Living From Your Higher Self.

If it resonates with you and your heart, check out the details, or book a call with me.

If it doesn’t resonate with you, that’s totally fine. You will find a different path to getting your highest guidance and holding the higher perspective that will transform you and your life.

That’s my wish for you in 2025.

May you see, feel, and know the magic, majesty, love, and power of who you really are.



PS - Enrollment for 8888 Unlimited closes for the year in a couple of weeks. On 25 January. I have openings in my schedule now to discuss it with you before then.

Rybna 716/24, Praha, 11000
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