What Loving Yourself Looks Like, And How It Changes Your Reality

Love yourself, change your world

What Loving Yourself Looks Like, And How It Changes Your Reality (Short Version)

“You can't offend the Divine One; it's very nature is light, love, compassion, protection, and giving. You can't make it stop loving you. It's just like the sun. You can't make the sun stop shining on you; you can only choose not to look at it. The moment you look, you'll see it's there.”
- Michael Singer, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Author of The Untethered Soul (Highly recommend)

Thanks for reading this email Reader.
You Walking Loving Wonder of Life.

In this email:

  1. Why can we love others easier than ourselves?
  2. How to Love Yourself More Easily Today
  3. An invitation for you to step into self-love
  4. Free Love Your Life Circle online call this Friday!

Why can we love others easier than ourselves?

In some spiritual circles there is the idea that we need to love ourselves first before we can love others. Yet most people I have worked with 1:1 do not find this to be the case.

They tend to feel unconditional love with animals easier than with humans.

They tend to find it easier to feel love in their hearts for someone else rather than for themselves.

Isn't that interesting?

This happens for one simple reason - our subconscious has judgements about whether we are lovable or not.

If you experienced anything in your life that made you feel rejected, hated, etc - anything that felt the opposite of love - your biological system now has a judgement inside that you are not lovable. And it uses that judgement to prevent you from acting in certain ways so you don't have to experience that painful rejection again. Your life is now constrained and limited because of self-judgement.

We can break this pattern and completely change what we see, say, think, do and create by loving ourselves so these judgements dissolve.

Most of us have less judgments about others, and far less judgements about animals, than we do about ourselves. Which makes loving them easier than ourselves.

Our reality comes down to how we judge ourselves. Are we willing to let that go and experience so much more love in our lives?

How To Love Yourself More Easily, Today

Fortunately, Love is our true nature. Any and all love that you feel for a person, place, animal, or experience is actually you allowing yourself to experience the love that you really are inside.

That other Being is a catalyst for you to feel your true nature. This is what relationships are for, this is why we signed up for them.

Once you feel just a little bit of love, you can expand it and use it to Love Yourself and dissolve your self-judgement.

My Higher Self has some advice on this:

Here are some steps to set yourself up for more Love:

  1. Sit in a quiet place and put your hand on your heart.
  2. Breathe deeply 3 times and feel your heart.
  3. Then let love come to you however it can. Imagine a person's love for you or your love for them. Imagine a pet or a place that you love. Imagine your Guides or God or Source loving you unconditionally. There is no right or wrong. Whatever works to let love into your experience in this moment in some way.
  4. Notice how that feels IN THE BODY. Just spend a few minutes feeling that physically.
  5. Now come up with a name for these sensations. Like gooey warmth. Or sparkly energy. Or gentle heat.

Once you have sensations and a name, now you can apply this to loving yourself as much as you can. How?

  1. Love your thoughts. Whatever your brain says, don't worry about it, just say the name of your love feeling and send that love feeling to your thoughts.
  2. Love your emotions. Whatever emotions you feel, that's okay, let yourself feel them and say the name of your love feeling to them and offer and send that love feeling to your emotions.
  3. Love your physical body. Look in a mirror, put your hands on your body, say the name of your love feeling and offer it to your face and body.

When you send love to your thoughts, emotions, and physical body, you are sending love to all the parts of you in pain. These painful parts are the parts responsible for your self-judgements. When you send love to thought, emotions, and physical cells, you are matching judgement with love, which lets it calm and release.

To do this, you will need some mindfulness. You will have to catch yourself thinking, feeling emotions, and looking at your body, and remember to say the love name and offer the love. That's why this is often easier with someone helping you, but if you commit to this, you will learn it quickly.

This will break your cycle of habitual judgement that is keeping your current reality in place.

This improves your health, your decisions, your speaking, your actions. Everything gets infused with more love.

Isn't that what we want, a life we love?

This is how we create it, with deep, unshakable self love. You will see your worthiness, value, power, and divinity. You will shake up your life with it. You will create from what you love instead of your subconscious judgements.

My Invitation: I'm Opening Individual Sessions To Deepen Self-Love

I've been asked to open single sessions once again for people to dive into self-love and discover their ideal future. Some people I've worked with have only ever needed one session to transform their experience of themselves and life.

This is because your Higher Self and body are so ready to do this. This is why the pain or challenge comes up in the first place. It's a call to transformation.

If you are interested, here is what you can book at the moment:

  1. 90 Minute 1:1 Judgement Releasing and Emotional Healing Session
    In this session we will uncover the root of your struggle and challenges in an area of life without needing to talk in detail about past experiences or memories. We will use loving techniques to heal and let it go. You will leave with more peace and new possibilities for yourself. The healing is permanent.
  2. 90 Minute 1:1 Ideal Future Creation Session
    We will tap into your Heart and Higher Self to receive your most loving vision for your future and purpose. We will get guidance on how you can create this, now from your current circumstances. You will leave with new ideas and aligned actions for you to take to draw you to your love-filled future.

New Free Community Call on Friday:
Love Your Life Circle

I'm excited about this. I'm hosting the first open call to discuss all topics emotional healing, spiritual exploration, giving meaning and purpose to our lives, Higher Self connection and Intentioning.

We might do some tapping into Source or emotional processing together. I am leaving space in the moment for whatever needs to arise.

I'm calling it the Love Your Life Circle. For now. Because it's all about digging in to what it really takes to love our life, despite the ups and downs.

The first call is this Friday at 4 pm EU time. (Convert to your timezone here).

Here is the call link. It works in any web browser: https://whereby.com/siriuscircle

Please add this to your calendar.

May you see, feel, and know the magic, majesty, love, and power of who you really are.



PS - To Recap, when you are ready, here are ways I can help you bring more of your own Peace, Love, and Power into your life:

  1. 90 Minute 1:1 Judgement Releasing and Emotional Healing Session
  2. 90 Minute 1:1 Ideal Future Creation Session
  3. The 8888 Unlimited Program - Living From Your Higher Self.
    This is my signature program that includes everything I have learned about bringing more peace, love, and abundance into our lives over 20 years of spiritual practice. Master 8 Higher self skills over 8 months of transformational work. You will never be the same. Enrollment closes for the year on 25 January. I have openings in my schedule now to discuss it with you before then.
  4. Love Your Life Circle Free Community Call.
    Join here at 4 pm EU time on Friday.

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Sirius Transformation

There is Unconditional Love and Power inside you. I'll help you unlock it. Learn how to connect with Source, let go of your emotions, and find more freedom, love, and abundance in your life. For the Highest Good of All.

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