Thanks for reading. In this email.
Dear Reader,I am writing this at my desk after staring at Metatron's Cube for 5 minutes. That has nothing to do with this email, but it's a fun meditation. If you dare. About Purpose. I once created a video series called 7 Tools for Understanding Your Purpose. I’m going to include this video series in my upcoming 8888 Unlimited program. But right now, I want to share with you Tool #8 for finding your purpose. It might be the simplest, most direct tool yet. You can watch it here: If you don’t want to watch it, the written version is below, but then you’ll miss out on my really cool robe and jokes about my neighbors. The Simplest Tool For Finding Your Purpose (2-minute written version)Here is the premise: We don’t know for certain what life even is. (Why do we exist? How did it start? Where do we come from? What is really going on?) But this doesn’t matter, for purpose. The minimum we know is: we are experiencing being alive. Whatever this is. We are experiencing it. We call it life. That much we know. So whatever Life is, some God's joke, a meaningless mess-about, a simulation game we are choosing to play, a random act of evolution, the most important thing to ever happen in the Universe, or all of the above simultaneously, it doesn't even matter. All we know is that this experience is happening, which means something, somehow "wants" and "created" this experience. We don't even need to define the wanter or the creator. We just know this experience exists somehow because we are experiencing it. That's the minimum, and we don't actually need anything else to understand Purpose. Because if the miminum we know is we are experiencing Life, then the minimum purpose we have is to experience Life the MOST that we can. That's it. You are alive. Experience it fully. Coincidentally, or definitely not coincidentally, we all have a built in mechanism for this. That mechanism is the feeling inside of being FULLY ALIVE. All of us can feel this pretty easily. Or we have in the past. Or we know that we feel a little dead inside and not alive. Almost everyone can immediately say whether they are feeling fully alive in this life or not. And can almost immediately say what areas of their life or things they are doing don't feel very alive. What's you answer? Are you fully alive? Are there places in life that feel heavy and dead? You can feel it. You instinctively know in this experience you are having. When we are feeling Fully Alive we are amped, energized, in flow, bursting, shining, in love, eyes wide open, laughing hysterically, and contagiously turned on. Do we still think this is a coincidence? Life, whatever it is, wants FULL aliveness. That's why all this power and energy flies in when you are feeling it. Life, which is maybe your own Higher Intelligence, is showing you exactly what your path is. By how opening/expansive/intense/fully alive it feels. If aliveness is what is wanted, then our purpose is to experience the most of that. Even in death. Whatever that is. It doesn't matter. If we are experience LIFE then the purpose is to experience being FULLY ALIVE. Life (or your Higher Self) is showing you exactly what your purpose is through this built in feeling. It's the perfect mechanism. Seek what makes you feel fully alive and you will fulfill your role perfectly and have mostly amazing feelings doing it. Some crappy ones. But those are part of fully experiencing life too. Isn't this great? There is nothing to mentally figure out about purpose. Purpose can be contained in one feeling-based question - in this moment, right now, what would make me feel most fully alive?! Whatever your answer is - do that. Moment by moment. Your purpose will unfold right in front of you. Maybe your answer will be to go on an adventure, sell all your possessions, tell off your boss, or passionately jump on your partner. Or maybe it will be to eat dessert first. Or to sit still and feel everything in your body that you haven’t let yourself feel. I can tell you firsthand, that last one is a kick that makes you realize real quick the raw, intense, alive experience of life. But it will heal you. And on the other side of that, you will feel absolutely amped and alive and empowered more easily more permanently for the rest of your life. Whatever your answer is to being fully alive - it will likely scare you and excite you simultaneously. The fear will probably be mostly about what other people think and not allowing yourself. The excitement will probably be mostly about what the real you would love to do. Whatever you answer is to being fully alive - that is why you are here. That’s your purpose. Step by step that will build your most fully alive experience of life. The one your heart really wants. The one worth all the challenges, all the determination, all the feelings, all the love, all the Life. Purpose solved. Maybe that was longer than 2 minutes. The 8888 Unlimited Program Is Coming SoonThis Aliveness Inquiry can be applied to any and all areas of our life. To find where we are currently ramping up aliveness nad to feel where we are deadening ourselves. Using Aliveness we can find what to change. To find how we truly wish to live. This is part of the work we will do in the 8888 Unlimited Program. Along with A LOT more. This program will give you - 8 Months of supported growth (plus 4 optional months at the end) Plus unlimited Decision Sessions with me. Unlimited. To help you become unlimited in how you move through life. I’ll explain how that works later. It's a crazy program. My best ever. It will last all of 2025 for those brave enough to embark on it. It’s everything I’ve learned over the last 20 years that has transformed me and helped me create a life I love, even in my challenges, even as I am still using all of this to shift and create more. It's all the tools that have helped my clients the most. It’s the most I’ve ever offered in any coaching program. My intention is that you remember what you need to be FULLY ALIVE and creating purposeful magic for the rest of your life. If you want to talk to me about it, simply reply to this email. Or wait for me to finish the web page. Loving You, David |
There is Unconditional Love and Power inside you. I'll help you unlock it. Learn how to connect with Source, let go of your emotions, and find more freedom, love, and abundance in your life. For the Highest Good of All.
A message I felt called to share with you. What My Guides Said About Surrender, Power, and Control “At some point, there’s no more struggle, just the deep peace that comes from surrendering to a perfection that is beyond your comprehension. Eventually, even the mind stops resisting, and the heart loses the tendency to close. The joy, excitement, and freedom are simply too beautiful to give up. Once you are ready to let go of yourself, life becomes your friend, your teacher, your secret lover....
Free tools for you to use these holidays. 2 Free Meditations. And How To Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet. “The solution is simple. Your main concern needs to be peace. Then there will be a great improvement in health and finances. Rather than trying to find peace by improving your health and finances. The primary aim is peace. The strange thing about peace is you can’t find it in the future.” – Eckhart Tolle Thanks so much for reading this. In this email: The holidays huh? 2 Free meditations for...
Hello Reader - This prayer is for you. Thanks so much for reading. In this letter: A prayer A hint of the future I am writing this to you having just connected with Source in an automatic writing session and receiving guidance in the form of a prayer. It feels quite vulnerable to say that. I am sensing a tension in my body me about how you will react. That's okay. That's perfect. This tension is showing me what anxiousness I am still holding. That is the whole point of emotions. To reveal...