Thanks so much for reading this. In this email:
Have you been feeling Anxiety recently?I have. It started for me a around the Day of the Dead (1 Nov). I received a beautiful message from my ancestors and it triggered in me some type of releasing process. Of course, then came the US Election and all the collective anxiety around that, which pulled my anxiety even more. As synchronicity would have it, I came across a technique that has been really helping me. I want to share it with you. If you're feeling Anxiety too, the first thing I want to tell you is, it's okay. It's normal to feel anxiety. Lots of old anxiety that we've been holding on to in our selves, in our society, is coming up now. It's not a problem to feel anxiety. It's just a sign of what's going on in your nervous system, calling for your attention and action to help it heal and release. If you do that, it will eventually be gone. It's time to learn how to work with this better than we ever have before, and it's very easy to work with anxiety. Sometimes it can go away very quickly. Sometimes it takes a long while. Because anxiety is such a visceral feeling, it is felt so much in the body, the best way to work with it is the body. Rather than thoughts. Anxious thoughts can go on and on and are self-perpetuating. Trying to squash anxious thoughts is a never-ending process that doesn't get to the root of the problem. The root of the problem is fear in subconscious, being held in your nervous system, in your body. When we do a process where we ignore thoughts and stay with the physical sensations in the body, the anxiety can naturally release. One such process, I'm calling the Ocean Wave technique. It's super simple and almost cheesy, but has really been helping me and is possible to do anytime, anywhere. The Ocean Wave Technique:I thought it best to share in a video and you can do it along with me for the first time. I hope it helps you. I would love to hear your experience if you can take 30 seconds to reply to this email or drop a comment on the video. Important Note About Anxiety:No person and nothing in the world can give you anxiety. Nothing has that much power over you. So what is actually going on? If something happens, you see something, or think of something and you feel anxious, the anxiety is being created inside yourself as an automatic reaction. Your automatic reactions are based on your past experiences and beliefs stored in your subconscious. You learned them from past experiences or other people. When you feel anxiety, it is showing you what your subconscious is holding from the past that is keeping you in a fear state. The thing you are anxious about in the present is just the trigger for that old fear state to come to the surface. The benefit of this, is that anxiety is showing you what was hidden underneath. It is not a coincidence. It is showing you exactly what you need to release next to be more free and powerful in your relationships and circumstances. The anxiety you feel right now about anything was already in you under the surface. Now it got triggered and it's trying to take over. So use it for your benefit. Use it in the moment it shows itself. Use it to heal it and free yourself. If we want to navigate ourselves from our hearts, our love, and our higher wisdom to love our lives and create the highest good, this skill is of paramount importance. No matter what we feel, we can let it go and return to our most powerful states. Let me know if the Ocean Wave technique works for you or not. Love, David PS - If this could be helpful to someone you know, please share it with them. When we come to peace inside ourselves it ripples into creating a more peaceful world for all. The more of us that do this, the faster it happens. |
There is Unconditional Love and Power inside you. I'll help you unlock it. Learn how to connect with Source, let go of your emotions, and find more freedom, love, and abundance in your life. For the Highest Good of All.
A message I felt called to share with you. What My Guides Said About Surrender, Power, and Control “At some point, there’s no more struggle, just the deep peace that comes from surrendering to a perfection that is beyond your comprehension. Eventually, even the mind stops resisting, and the heart loses the tendency to close. The joy, excitement, and freedom are simply too beautiful to give up. Once you are ready to let go of yourself, life becomes your friend, your teacher, your secret lover....
Free tools for you to use these holidays. 2 Free Meditations. And How To Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet. “The solution is simple. Your main concern needs to be peace. Then there will be a great improvement in health and finances. Rather than trying to find peace by improving your health and finances. The primary aim is peace. The strange thing about peace is you can’t find it in the future.” – Eckhart Tolle Thanks so much for reading this. In this email: The holidays huh? 2 Free meditations for...
Thanks for reading. In this email. The simplest way to find your purpose - video 2-minute written version 8888 Unlimited explanation. Dear Reader, I am writing this at my desk after staring at Metatron's Cube for 5 minutes. That has nothing to do with this email, but it's a fun meditation. If you dare. About Purpose. I once created a video series called 7 Tools for Understanding Your Purpose. I’m going to include this video series in my upcoming 8888 Unlimited program. But right now, I want...