Just Like A Prayer

Hello Reader - This prayer is for you.

Thanks so much for reading. In this letter:

  1. A prayer
  2. A hint of the future

I am writing this to you having just connected with Source in an automatic writing session and receiving guidance in the form of a prayer.

It feels quite vulnerable to say that. I am sensing a tension in my body me about how you will react.

That's okay. That's perfect. This tension is showing me what anxiousness I am still holding. That is the whole point of emotions. To reveal what are holding so we can know how to become more free.

Would my Higher Self ever hesitate to share a loving message of empowerment with you because of how you might react? Of course not. And so we continue.

Here is the prayer I received.

Dear Great Mother, Father, Beloved, Source, Unconditional Love, Spirit.
Be here with us, and in us, and through us.
Help us see with your eyes all we encounter, especially ourselves.
Help us see with the tremendous unconditional love that is our true nature.
Let us not get distracted by the mind’s wanderings in fear.
Let it wander, while we stay centered in the peace that we are.
Bless us with the peace that passes understanding that is our birthright.
Bless us with the abundance and joy that is our essence.
Help us remove all the barriers to this unfathomable, infinite light we have inside, and the power to create our reality in our own loving image.
Let us be content in ourselves as we know who we really are and feel you in us, Dear One, Holy One of who we are an extension, a perfect branch, a reaching finger into the 3D world.
May we let go of all we do not need and embrace with our full heart everything we do need.
Because we know it all comes from you, from Us, from One, so that we may realize what we can truly become.

I like it. One phrase really stood out to me when I first read it.

"...the power to create our reality in our own loving image."

It made me think, do I truly hold myself in a loving image? Like Source does? Do I believe in my ability to see and create that image in the world around me?

It calls me into a greater version of myself and a grander vision for myself.

I trust it because my Higher Self knows the most direct and effortless path to my peace and freedom that is unique to me.

Your Higher Self knows that for you as well. Do you listen to it?

I have spend many years practicing this. I get messages for myself all the time about what I can think and do to shift myself and my reality.

Connecting with your Source it is deceptively simple. I've taught many to do it. It is easy to teach because you are already fully connected. Maybe you are not using it, maybe you forgot, or got distracted. Or it got buried under those pesky things called limiting beliefs.

If it interests you to hone this skill, to get your own messages, to use it regularly for the healing, decisions, expansion, purpose, and the loving expression of yourself and your loved ones, then you may be interested in a new program I am creating that I will soon be sharing with you.

That's the hint of the future.

In the meantime, maybe try this prayer. See how it feels. Change the words if you wish.

Your Higher Self knows what to do.



PS - Was there a particular phrase that stood out to you? I'd be interested to know.

Sirius Transformation

There is Unconditional Love and Power inside you. I'll help you unlock it. Learn how to connect with Source, let go of your emotions, and find more freedom, love, and abundance in your life. For the Highest Good of All.

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