“Know the masculine,
but keep to the feminine:
and become a watershed to the world.
If you embrace the world,
the Tao will never leave you
and you become as a little child.”
- Tao Te Ching, Verse 28, trans. by J. H. McDonald, 1996
Thanks for reading this email Reader
You Walking Wonder of Life.
In this email:
- A short story of balancing my masculine and feminine (with some journaling questions for you)
- Inviting you to in-person The Rebalance Retreat in March
I Used to Be Out Of Balance
I used to have very imbalanced masculine energy. I was afraid of raw masculinity. I thought it led to violence and anger and uncaring. But that’s a boyish masculinity that I picked up from our society.
I therefore lived mostly in my feminine energy, which was an unnatural position for me personally and led to many maladaptive behaviors.
- I struggled with relating to women. And masculine men.
- I struggled with intimacy.
- I struggled knowing what I really wanted and moving toward it.
- I had a lot of maladaptive distraction and procrastination patterns.
- Because I was afraid of part of myself, my masculinity.
Both the masculine and feminine have their own deep, raw power. I was resisting much of my own natural power.
Once I learned to balance it, a world opened up to me.
- Confidence happened naturally.
- Relationships with women happened easily.
- Intimacy felt entirely different.
- I was more focused in work, making my own decisions, owning and leading my own life as I wanted it to be.
But of course, I also have feminine energy. And I would never give this up.
This is the energy of so much beauty, openness, tenderness, emotion, flow, presence, awareness, surrender, and especially receiving. Some say that Life is first feminine energy. The Earth is feminine.
I am a true believer in trust, unconditional love, and surrender in my Being. Feminine.
I am a true believer in positive ownership, bold action, and decisiveness in my Doing. Masculine.
I found my balance point at about 60-40 masculine-feminine.
For me, this balance is like a portal where I can access both my love and my power. I dance between these two energies as I go about my day, decisions, work, and relationships.
I trust myself and move forward faster more because I am aligned and in my integrity. Because neither energy is over or under-used, I can ramp up either energy when the moment requires.
But this is just me. This is how I serve myself, my family, and the world best. You might serve the world best by being much more masculine-dominant or feminine-dominant than me.
What do you think your balance point is?
Here are some questions for you to journal on to locate imbalances:
- Where in my life am I pushing and forcing?
- What am I attempting to control that I don’t need to control?
- Where am I being a little bit sneaky, or passive-aggressive, or not stating clearly and fully what I feel and what I want?
- Where am I giving away my power to others, believing they have power over me in some way?
- Where am I not letting myself receive?
- Where do I not trust myself?
- Am I more comfortable relating to men, to women, both, neither? In what situations and why?
Of course, there are many more ways to balance this…
Inviting You To The ReBalance Retreat! March 14 - 16, Czech Republic.
I am very excited.
If you are in the Czech Republic, or want to make a lovely trip in March, I am proud to announce the ReBalance Retreat.
On this weekend, you find the Equinox in you. Your balance point. It might just be the best weekend you’ve had all year.
Rebalance Retreat Highlights:
- Find your balance point between masculine-feminine, self-relationships, giving-receiving for a more loving, heart-centered, integrated, aligned, easier, flowing relationships and work in 2025.
- Beautiful retreat center and nature (2 hours from Prague, modern beds and bathrooms, fire pit, forest, paths, a million stars at night)
- Fun, powerful activities that we will guide you through
- Friday dinner to Sunday lunch, all meals and snacks lovingly cooked for you (vegan)
- Open time to recharge and rest with yourself or with lovely, caring, present people
- You don’t have to think, it’s all taken care of, you just need to arrive, have fun, and allow your expansion.
BUT - the early bird price expires in a couple of days.
Reply to me ASAP if you want to lock in your place.
You can make a deposit now to lock in the early bird price. And pay the rest later.
For reading my emails, I can extend the early bird for you for a few days. I value you and would love to see you on this weekend.
Reply to me if interested.
Here’s a webpage with a video of us explaining this and full retreat details.
If this resonates with you, it’s no coincidence. Meet us at the retreat center.
Love, David
PS - In summary, when it resonates, here are the ways I can support you on your path:
- 90 Minute 1:1 Judgement Releasing and Emotional Healing Session
- 90 Minute 1:1 Ideal Future Creation Session
- The Rebalance Retreat in March - Find the Equinox in you for easier creating and receiving in 2025.
- The 8888 Unlimited Program - Living From Your Higher Self. This is my most ambitious program for you. Release trauma, receive your higher messages, re-wire your mind and subconscious commitments ,deepen forgiveness, self-worth, and unconditional love. Take the action of your heart and purpose. Master 8 Higher Self skills over 8 months of transformational work. Enrollment closes for the year on 16 February. I have one week of openings in my schedule now to discuss it with you before then.
Rybna 716/24, Praha, 11000
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