"Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” – Rumi
Thanks for reading this email Reader
You Walking Wonder of Light.
In this message:
- When Challenges are a Blessing in Disguise
- How Arnaud Got Fired and Turned It All Around
- Use the 3-Step Process to Transform Your Situation
- A Gift For You
1. This is Terrible! Maybe:
Have you ever faced a moment in life that seemed overwhelmingly negative, but turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise?
Imagine if you could engineer that.
What if you could turn whatever challenge you are facing right now into a positive.
You can. Just like Arnaud did.
2. How Arnaud Got Fired and Turned It All Around.
Imagine this, you are a hard-working dad with a job at a growing tech company. You are the primary income for your wife and 2 kids. Then with no warning, you get fired. What would you do?
That's exactly what happened to Arnaud. Big upset, big smack in the face, big challenge.
He had known I was a coach for a while, and we started using the 3-Step Transformation Process on his challenge.
Step 1: Stop the Unhelpful Thinking with Pattern-Interrupts
As you might imagine, Arnaud’s mind was going crazy. It was coming up with all the worst-case scenarios, all the terrible future possibilities, and pouring on the self-criticism and judgement for what happened. Sound familiar?
The only solutions the mind had for his situation were coming from this anxiety and judgement. It was a very narrow and unappealing list of options, like get another job he didn't really want.
So we had to pattern-interrupt this thinking. There are many ways to do this.
We used a combination of questions and visioning to shift his focus in the moment into a clearer, elevated outlook, and something new to build toward.
It's almost impossible to get out of our heads, but this can be easy when you have someone helping you.
But how to make sure that anxiety and self-judgment doesn’t keep coming back and derail any attempts Arnaud makes to authentically solve his situation? That’s step 2.
Step 2: Somatic Releasing
Fear lives in the body. Anxiety lives in the body. Every difficult emotion you have brings you sensations in the body somewhere.
If you can let yourself be fully present and loving with these sensations, you will release that piece of emotion. For good.
You can heal your nervous system this way and let go of the fear and anxiety about a situation, until it either disappears or is not a factor in your decisions. That’s what we did.
Arnaud started to move into an emotional place of feeling fully capable to turn this situation into a positive. He had more energy available, he had more enthusiasm, he could feel there was something bigger available to him. When the anxiety or judgement came, he knew exactly how to handle it. Those feelings were not going to make Arnaud's decisions for him.
Now we’re ready for step 3.
Step 3: Connect To Your Creator Self / Source / Desire / Intuition / Truth
Once his mind and emotions were much more relaxed and clear, and he knew what to do when they weren’t, new ideas suddenly became possible.
He started to feel his dream of working for himself. He started to feel his passion for helping others with their businesses and productivity rise to the surface.
Arnaud had always been a productivity badass, creating all kinds of systems and tools for himself to be ultra-efficient with his time, so that he effectively gets more of it. But suddenly he felt ready to coach others to get more time too. Coincidence? No, it's because we cleared the mind and emotions.
So we leaned into his dream, using his authentic internal energy and guidance to figure it out.
Not only did he get trust himself to follow his desire, but he got his coaching business off the ground, and within the first five months, he managed to have as many clients as he wanted. He was fully booked after five months!
Of course, his story doesn’t end there. There were many more "challenges" that came up over time because that is what happens when we go do something new that expands us. He expanded through all of them.
I’m very happy to share now that Arnaud’s coaching business is still thriving. He is currently running a coaching community called Time-Saving Entrepreneur Dads. (There are some female entrepreneurs in there too.) (I’m in there too!)
3. Be Like Arnaud - Use This Process
If you are facing a challenge in your life right now this is the process to transform it.
I teach this because for many years I have used this process to transform virtually every area of my life and work, and I am using it today to transform a current challenge in my life. More of those stories to come.
Some challenges can get transformed very quickly, some take more time, but the process is the same.
It works because these 3 steps elevate you out of the confusion and consciousness of your current challenge, into a higher level of perspective that is much more centered, loving, and clear about what you really need to do. I sometimes call this the Higher Self Process. Here are the steps again:
- Pattern-interrupt Thinking: Stop the paralyzing grip of overthinking, self-judgment, worst-case scenarios, and constant mental back-and-forths that lead nowhere.
- Somatic Release: Allow yourself to fully experience your emotional sensations, which will release them, reveal the subconscious beliefs that they come from, and clear your energy to receive your truth.
- Connect To Your Creator Self: Your Creator Self is hidden underneath your thoughts and emotions. Once you open within, you can tune into the true desires and intelligence that guide your best next steps.
The first step often can happen by receiving a completely new vision of yourself.
I say receive because it’s not something you need to think about.
Your ideal vision of yourself already exists. You just need to make contact and bring it closer, so that you can use it and work with it.
This is a great pattern interrupt. This is often much easier when you let someone guide you through this.
4. A Gift For You:
What is a challenge you are facing right now that you would love to transform?
I invite you to experience the Transformation Process with this challenge.
Book a Transformation Process Gift session with me.
You’ll get clear on what’s going on with this challenge, we’ll receive your vision, go through these steps, and you’ll leave feeling renewed about what is possible for you and how you can create it.
Thanks so much for being here.
Love, David
PS - Here’s that link again to Time-Saving Entrepreneur Dads. I highly recommend Arnaud’s work.
PPS - The Transformation Process Gift sessions are 60 mins and are based on my availability, first booked, first served.
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